
Kenji Ito

CPA (Japan & U.S.) CGMA

IBFD Consultant - Japan

Business Owner

 ITO CPA Office

    Team CFO Brain GK 
 Japan-India Partners G.K.

Real Estate Investor


Expertise: Accounting & Finance, International Taxation, M&A 

Industry : IT, Software, Telecom, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Healthcare

Region: Japan, United States, India, Singapore

Graduated from University of Tokyo Faculty of Law


CFO Brain supporting Japanese CFOs and controllers of foreign companies in resolving accounting and tax issues, and dealing with external auditors, internal auditors, tax authorities, and other related matters. With many years of experience as a finance controller of foreign companies, an in-house tax expert, and an auditor for various audit firms, we can provide expert advice on accounting, tax and finance matters. He also worked in the International Department of an audit corporation, the Tax Department of a mega bank, and as an international tax expert for a mega pharmaceutical company before starting his own CPA firm.


ITO CPA Office is an accounting firm located in Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo, that specializes in providing management and tax advisory services for Japan CFOs and controllers. We assist foreign companies in generating cash flow from their business in Japan, attracting new investments into Japan, and revitalizing the Japanese economy.


In addition he has also been supporting the marketing activities in Japan of IBFD (International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation), headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands, as an IBFD Consultant for Japan.


He started Team CFO Brain G.K. as a founder and representative member, a company specializing in supporting the Japan (inbound) business of foreign companies. 

He also started Japan-India Partners G.K. as a founder and representative member, a company specializing in supporting the India (outbound) business of Japanese companies, in collaboration with an Indian Chartered Accountancy Firm.


In addition to his professional endeavors, he is also active as a real estate investor and owns residential and commercial properties in Central Japan. We also offer mini office rooms that are a perfect fit for small business start-ups by entrepreneurs. Our expertise includes real estate cash flow modeling.


LinkedIn Profile 

伊東 賢治 
伊東公認会計士事務所 所長
チームCFOブレイン合同会社 代表
日印パートナーズ合同会社 代表


関与業界 : IT・ソフトウェア・通信・データーセンター・メディカル・製薬・ヘルスケア・不動産関係








オランダ・アムステルダムに本社を置くIBFD(International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation)の日本コンサルタントとして、国際税務専門家が広く利用するIBFDの税務データベースの日本におけるマーケティング活動も支援しています。




















Accountant Staffs


チーム内はMicrosoft Teamsでつないでおり、楽しく無理なく働ける職場環境です。










Miyuki Ito


プレゼン資料作成、セミナー・イベント企画・事務局 担当



㈱オリエンタルランド 商品開発部シニアデザイナーとして6年間勤務後

高島屋 法人外商部 営業部所属プランナーを6年間経験
